Davey Drive, Hollingdean, Brighton BN17BF

St Joseph's Catholic Primary, Brighton

Educating in Faith, Hope and Love

St George's Class - 2023-2024

The Year 3 (St George's Class) team are: Miss Azor, Mrs Klymaytis, Miss Johnson and Miss Day.

Welcome to the Year 3 (St George's Class) page.


Our topic for the Summer term is...


This topic will look at how different types of transport have changed the structure of our country and the significant individuals that have contributed to developments in transportation.

Some creative and fun activities to do with our topic for this half term can be found HERE.

Our Summer Term curriculum overview can also be found HERE.

As part of our Stunning Start to our Transport topic, our class received an interesting package. We passed it round and tried to guess what was inside. We then got shown some pictures from the country it originated from to help us find out what it is.

The class then nominated a child to open it up and found out that it was Simba, from The Lion King that travelled all the way from Africa!



For our Outdoor Learning Day this half term, we created Outdoors Mother's Day cards mixed with their own writing using leaves, sticks and berries. We also completed an Easter 'Outdoor Learning challenges' Egg Hunt, and competed against each other's house colour groups to see who could find the most natural resources in a fun game!



On Tuesday 19th March, the whole school celebrated St Joseph's Day by participating in activities in class. In Year 3 to celebrate that Joseph was a carpenter, the children made their own coasters by choosing their own image of St Joseph and drawing it. This created some lovely and colourful coasters for all the children to take home and enjoy!

We also sang our St Joseph's Day song and created actions to go with it.


Year 3 have learnt how to perform poetry this half term. They have watched the author, Joseph Coelho, of our Power of Reading book ‘Werewolf Club Rules’ perform his own poems. Then, they have discussed unknown parts of a poem, before rehearsing and performing different poems in groups.


To celebrate World Book Day, Year 3 joined the rest of the school in dressing up as their favourite book characters! We also enjoyed listening to their teachers favourite story (Harry Potter of course!) and had fun showing their costumes in assembly.



For out Outdoor Learning day this half term, we painted Hieroglyphics using mud and sticks as our paint brushes. We created Egyptian collars using leaves and wrote our name in Hieroglyphics using paint.


 To celebrate the launch of the 'Our City, Our World' initiative in Year 3, we recycled and reused old plastic bags to create flowers. This made a cross curricular link with our text 'One Plastic Bag' that we learnt about in our English lessons, which was a true story about a woman who cleaned up her village by making bags, purses and wallets out of plastic bags. It helped us further explore the issues we face with Plastic Pollution in our Oceans, and how to live more sustainably to support our environment.



Our Stunning Start for this topic was a fun day of Ancient Egyptian activities where we all wore the bright colours of Ancient Egypt which were red, green, blue, gold/yellow, black and white, or dressed up as an Ancient Egyptian person to really get engaged in this new topic.

We went on a treasure hunt around the playground and found clues that spelt out the words 'River Nile'. We also created a piece of Egyptian Art, by tea-staining paper to look and feel like papyrus paper. Then, drawing our own Egyptian Art to explore different Egyptian patterns and shapes used in Ancient times.



Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a lovely holiday and our new topic for this Spring term is...

This topic will explore this amazing time in history and we will learn about Ancient Egyptian culture, their belief's, mummies, hieroglyphics and artefacts.

Please click HERE to look at our new topic overview, explaining more about Ancient Egypt and what we will be learning about this half term in St George's class.

Some creative and fun activities (that will earn you DOJO's!!) to do with our topic for this half term can be found HERE.

Some fun video clips for you to watch if you would like to learn more about your topic can be found HERE.

As part of Design and Technology week, Year 3 designed, researched, made out of card and evaluated a Christmas Box. Each person chose their own 3D shape and design, to enable us to have a cross-curricular link with Math's and explore our DT focus of ‘Shell Structures’ for this half term.



Year 3 visited Grove Park Care and Nursing Home last week, to sing some Christmas carols, share some festive cheer and to meet all the lovely residents. We brought some Christmas cards in the shape of baubles along and had a wonderful time! Grove Park also gave us some wonderful refreshments after we had sung some of the Christmas Carols we have been learning at school that we also enjoyed.


For our Outdoor Learning Day this half term, we created outdoor scenes on paper mixed with their own drawings using tree rubbings, leaves and sticks in pairs. The class also took part in a Scavenger Hunt to find survival objects in the playground, to celebrate our current topic 'Extreme Survival' and created leaf crowns.


Our topic for Autumn term 2 is...

Extreme Survival

This topic will explore the differences between hot and cold climates and what life is like for the people, animals and plants in these places around the world.

Some creative and fun activities to do with our topic for this half term can be found HERE.

Our Autumn Term 2 curriculum overview can also be found HERE.


Here are some fun websites/video clips for you to watch if you would like to learn more about your topic:

What is a desert habitat?

What is a polar habitat?

 Explorer: Robert Falcon Scott

Explorer: Amelia Earhart

Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Tips

Arctic region animals

What is a Desert?

To celebrate Black History Month, Year 3 took part in a whole school assembly and performed a collaborative poem about Nelson Mandela. We also created South African flags for our performance aswell. At the end of the month, each year group took part in an African drumming workshop and enjoyed experiencing some African culture. 


For our Outdoor Learning Day this half term, we went on a minibeast hunt in the playground and then drew our favourite ones using chalk. We also created Stone Age houses using sticks and leaves in our house colour teams as a 'Fantastic Finish' to our topic.



This year's World Mental Health Day theme was "Mental Health is a universal human right." which is about raising awareness of mental health and driving positive change for everyone’s mental health and wellbeing. In Year 3, we spoke about ways we can look after our mental health and wellbeing, including activities we can take part in to promote positive change in how we feel. The class took part in a seated mindfulness session, which included stretches and breathwork. We also created a 'kindness jar', so that whenever anyone in the class needs a positive affirmation, they can take one out.


In our Art lesson this week, Year 3 went out into the playground to create different textures on paper by using a rubbing technique. We then brought our texture rubbings back in the classroom, and used an art technique called 'frottage' by the artist Maz Ernst, to use our textured rubbings to create a work of art based on a flower.



Thank you so much to everyone who came into Year 3 and participated in our learning. The children really enjoyed making their French Grandparents cards with you and it was lovely to see all of the Grandparents join in.




In our Science lessons, Year 3 have been exploring the role of flowers in the life cycle of flowering plants by describing and identifying their different features. 


Our topic for the Autumn Term is...


 Please click HERE to look at our topic overview, explaining what we will be learning about this term in St George's class.

Our Stunning Start for this topic was a fun day of Stone Age-based activities where we all wore colours of the Stone Age or dressed up as a Stone Age person.

We created a traditional Stone Age dessert using berries, oats and honey which was delicious! We built our own cave out of branches and leaves and constructed traditional tools out of paper! A few children even brought in a Stone Age artefact for us to see, such as crystals and tools!



Some creative and fun activities (that will earn you DOJO's!!) to do with our topic for this half term can be found HERE.

Class Information

AC Prep PE on Twitter: "Still time to sign up for our AC 'Back to School'  Sports Camps next week (Mon-Wed). Sign up here - https://t.co/FwmzYFlPJL…  https://t.co/xcBcJ766vz"


 Year 3's PE days will be on Monday's and Friday's. Monday will be with our PE Specialist Miss Pippa, and Friday will be with Miss Azor the class teacher.

Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school at all times - black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms when it turns colder), a green St Joseph's t-shirt and trainers or plimsolls.

Please encourage your child to read as often as possible (ideally at least four times a week at home). This can be by themselves, to a family member or to a sibling - and children, please remember to record it in the reading record books.

Their reading book, reading record and folder must be in school every day and taken home at night. Each child will receive dojo's for bringing this into school each day.  




Homework will be set on a Thursday and is due back in on a Tuesday. This will include spellings and times tables. 

Times tables and spelling's will be tested on each week.



Thank you parents and carers! We really do appreciate your support.


Dear children, parents and carers,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your child to St George's Class and to a new school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning. I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you better over the coming year.

Miss Azor