Davey Drive, Hollingdean, Brighton BN17BF

St Joseph's Catholic Primary, Brighton

Educating in Faith, Hope and Love



We currently have vacancies for school governors.

Your school needs you!

 Being a school governor  is a challenging but hugely rewarding role. It will give you the chance to make a real difference to young people, give something back to your local community and use and develop your skills in a board-level environment. You will also be joining the largest volunteer force in the country: there are over a quarter of a million volunteers governing state funded schools in England.

We need a governing body that has a balance and diversity of knowledge, skills and experience to enable it to be effective. 

Anyone aged over 18 can be a governor and you do not need to be a parent. There is no requirement for you to have an understanding of the education system, just the necessary skills, character and time to contribute. There is plenty of training available to help you learn about education. Schools needs and benefit from a range of professional knowledge on their governing board including education, finance, human resources, legal, marketing and public relations, property and estates management, and organisational change.

We currently have vacancies for Foundation/ LA and Parent Governors.

Foundation Governor – These are individuals whose appointment to the governing board is
approved by the Diocese (Church) which is responsible for the school. To be a Foundation governor, you will need to be a practising Catholic and your application will have to be approved by the Bishop.

To find out more about being a Foundation Governor, please click on the link below.

Local Authority (LA) Governor – On a maintained school governing board there should be one LA
governor. They do not have to work for the LA but their appointment is always approved by the
local authority. 

Parent Governor – An individual who has a child of legal school age (5 – 16) and is elected by the
parent body to serve as a governor. They are usually parents who have a child on role at the

 To find out more about being a school governor please click on the image below