Davey Drive, Hollingdean, Brighton BN17BF

St Joseph's Catholic Primary, Brighton

Educating in Faith, Hope and Love

                                                                     Key Policies for Parents*                                                                     


Click the links below to download copies of our policies as PDFs.

To open the policy in a new window, right click the link and choose 'open in new tab/window'

*Section 576 of the Education Act 1996 defines 'parent' as:


•All natural parents, whether they are married or not

•Any person who, although not a natural parent, has parental responsibility for a child or young person

•Any person who, although not a natural parent, has care of a child or young person (having care of a child or young person means that the child lives with and is looked after by that person, irrespective of what their relationship is).





FPN leaflet.pdf

Persistent Absence leaflet.pdf

B H Code of Conduct



Accessibility Action Plan 2024-2025 

Acceptable Use Policy for pupils KS1 2019-2021 (Draft in progress)

Acceptable Use Policy for pupils KS2 2023-2024 

Acceptable Use Protocol - Zoom  

Attendance & Punctuality Policy (Pupils) 2022-2024 

Anti-fraud and Corruption Policy 

Anti bullying policy 2023 - 2024  

Assessment and Feedback Policy 2020-2022  (Draft in progress)

Behaviour Regulation Policy 2023-2025

Complaints Policy 2023-2025

Charging and Remissions 2020-2022  (Draft in progress)

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures 2023-2025

Children in care/previously in care 2022 - 2023  (Draft in progress)

Collective Worship 2021-2023  (Draft in progress)

Data Protection Policy 2021-2022 (Draft in progress)

Drugs Policy January 2020-2022  (Draft in progress)

Early Years Policy 2020-2022 (Draft in progress)

EPR Policy 2018-2021  (Draft in progress)

Equality information and objectives 2020-2022  (Draft in progress)

Equality policy 2020-2022  (Draft in progress)

Exclusions Policy 2021-2023    (Draft in progress)

Freedom of Information Policy 2022-2025 

Grievance Policy 2018-2021 (Draft in progress)

Google Classroom Protocol 

Health and Safety 2020-2022   (Draft in progress)

Home/School Agreement 2022-2024 

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022  (Draft in progress)

Lettings Policy 2022-2024

Medicines in School 2019-2021  (Draft in progress)

More Able Policy 2020-2022  (Draft in progress)

No Smoking Policy 2023-2025 

Online Safety Policy 2022 -2023  (Draft in progress)

Playground Policy

PSHE statement at St Joseph's

Pupil Premium Funding Policy 2022 - 2023  (Draft in progress)

PSHE RSE Progression


RE policy 2022-2024

RSE Policy 2022-2024

RSE PPT for parents 

Safeguarding Children Statement 2024

Safer Recruitment 2020-2022  (Draft in progress)

Severe weather and school closure information

Use of Force and Restraint 2021-2023  (Draft in progress)  

Use of Images and Photographs 2022-2024  

Whistleblowing Policy 2022-2024










If you wish to view any additional policies please ask at the office and they will be made available to you.